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Union Postale Summer 2024

Union Postale Summer 2024

16.08.2024This quarter in UNION POSTALE we’ve taken a deep-dive into the ways the UPU and its members are working to build the strongest postal network possible – both physically and digitally.
Strategies and ways for developing the traditional letter-post (documents) market

Strategies and ways for developing the traditional letter-post (documents) market

08.08.2024The growth of e-commerce and the associated shift of focus towards physical postal services for items containing goods may have the potential to undermine the development of the traditional letter-post (documents) market. The aim of the research was to explore possible scenarios and future developments for each of the letter-post services defined in the UPU regulations by examining current products, trends, customer needs, and competition. The study should assist designated operators (DOs) to adjust their international letter-post services, while enabling the UPU to support DOs in the best way possible.
Development of physical postal services to better reflect e‑commerce customer needs in both the “below 2 kg” and “above 2 kg” markets

Development of physical postal services to better reflect e‑commerce customer needs in both the “below 2 kg” and “above 2 kg” markets

08.08.2024This study, covering all UPU regions, was conducted as part of the research on physical postal services and e-commerce market development outlined in the Abidjan Business Plan, which was approved at the 27th Congress in Côte d’Ivoire in 2021. The aim of the research was to understand the factors influencing the use of physical postal services for e-commerce shipments, focusing on weight categories above and below 2 kg, and to evaluate how the UPU's physical postal service portfolio could be enhanced to better meet the needs of e-commerce customers.
Union Postale Winter 2023/Spring 2024

Union Postale Winter 2023/Spring 2024

19.03.2024In this issue of Union Postale, we celebrate the UPU’s important role in shaping the past, present and future of postal services.
Postal Statistics 2022

Postal Statistics 2022

15.12.2023Postal Statistics presents data collected annually by the International Bureau from member designated postal operators of the Universal Postal Union.
Enhancing postal references in international e-commerce agreements: WTO Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) on e-commerce

Enhancing postal references in international e-commerce agreements: WTO Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) on e-commerce

04.12.2023This policy brief explores the main topics covered in the World Trade Organization (WTO) joint initiative on e-commerce negotiating text. It also discusses the contribution of the postal sector to e-commerce and the trade inclusion of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), women and underrepre-sented communities, and highlights ways in which the postal sector can enhance its role in the implementation of the WTO joint initiative on e-commerce by providing recommendations that members could consider for inclusion in the negotiating text.
The Role of the Postal Sector in sustainable digital infrastructure deployment

The Role of the Postal Sector in sustainable digital infrastructure deployment

04.12.2023This policy brief proposes a set of concrete areas of collaboration to enhance current strategies and foster cooperation though different frameworks, in order to accelerate the full realization of opportunities for an inclusive and sustainable digital economy. This, according to our analysis, can be achieved by utilizing national postal infrastructure, under the oversight of the relevant regulatory authorities.
State of the Postal Sector 2023

State of the Postal Sector 2023

04.10.2023The postal sector remains a critical element in the global ecosystem, transcending borders to connect people, businesses and governments. It not only facilitates communication, but also serves as the backbone of digital trade, logistics, and even economic resilience. However, the sector is grappling with a multitude of challenges, from the lasting disruptions induced by global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, to the transformative shifts in consumer behaviour ushered in by the digital age. This report provides an exhaustive examination of the postal sector’s existing landscape, challenges, innovations, and the potential avenues for future growth and resilience.
Postal networks: A Platform for Financial Inclusion Enablement

Postal networks: A Platform for Financial Inclusion Enablement

01.10.2023Financial Inclusion Technical Assistance Facility (FITAF) - A UPU public-private partnership to advance postal financial inclusion

Factsheet: The future of postal financial services

15.09.2023During the UPU's Fourth Extraordinary Congress in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, member countries will discuss a number of proposals directed at re-evaluating the UPU’s current postal financial services offering and role to ensure their alignment with the changing market reality. Learn more about the proposed changes in this factsheet.